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Information source for sufferers of Keratoconus. This website is regularly updated and new comments pop up frequently. You do not have to go for another laborious meeting with your optician. You do not have to re-read the eye chart. And make outlandish guesses at obscure-looking letters on a row far beyond your capability. You do not have to explain to work, once again, that your eyes are shaped like rugby balls.
Welcome To The Keratoconus Treatment Center. The treatment of keratoconus has taken a leap in the 21st century. In the 20th century the mainstay of Keratoconus treatment was corneal transplant. Lets learn about the best treatments for keratoconus with an exclusive interactive tour. We can also learn about the latest offered by our Keratoconus doctors by exploring the website.
All about lasik surgery, videos, lasik information and anything pertaining to the eye and vision. Tuesday, August 7, 2012. Ideally, a doctor performing LASIK should offer other services and be a fellowship trained corneal spe.
Vision, Lenses LASIK and eyes. Try before you Buy Contacts. Bеfоrе mаkіng thе dесіѕіоn tо mоvе аwау frоm rеgulаr glаѕѕеѕ. Amоng сhіldrеn аnd аdultѕ, аѕtіgmаtіѕm.
1220 La Venta Dr #209
Westlake Village, California, 91361
This blog is to help people affected with keratoconus cope with the problem. It intends to create a community that will support and help each other. Monday, September 28, 2009. Males are predominantly affected by this disease. Most modern studies with wide bases do not support this. Keratoconus affects both genders in a comparable manner. There is no known precipitating factor for keratoconus. Allergies are more commonly seen in this group of patients.
Information source for sufferers of Keratoconus. This website is regularly updated and new comments pop up frequently. You do not have to go for another laborious meeting with your optician. You do not have to re-read the eye chart. And make outlandish guesses at obscure-looking letters on a row far beyond your capability. You do not have to explain to work, once again, that your eyes are shaped like rugby balls.
Cornea Cross-Linking Holcomb C3-R To Prevent Cornea Transplants. Intacs to Help Your Vision. How Holcomb C3-R Was Developed. Visian ICL To Treat High NearSightedness. PRK for Astigmatism after Cornea Transplant. Fly In For Your Procedure. GOING BLIND FROM KERATOCONUS? Blurr.
The courage of a project. Martes, 24 de abril de 2012. Maite del Pozo, BDM of.
Auf dieser privaten Webseite werden Informationen über die Augenkrankheit Keratokonus dargestellt. Auf die medizinischen Hintergründe wird hier nicht eingegangen, dafür gibt es inzwischen hunderte von Webseiten mit fundierten Fachinformationen. Die Texte und Grafiken stammen zum Teil von der alten KeraLens.